Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I want a big one....yes, I have Scooter envy!

I told myself I would only blog once a week, but this week I just have to have 2. One of the most common forms of transportation is a 2 wheeled device. They can range from a little electric bike up to a large Harley or Rice Rocket. Somewhere in between are different sizes of scooters. My favorite (which I will desperately try to get if we ever start seeing some income) is the BMW Executive C-1. It really is a cool, awesome scooter. It's not that I care that it is a BMW (cause if someone else made it I would still want it). It's like a little one seater Jeep, you know the kind everyone unzips the doors or takes them off.

Now, I am not sure I will drive it like Parisians do. Of course if I lived in California or New York, maybe I would. See here they drive between vehicles no matter what the size. You will see these little scooters come flying by (on highways and city streets) and you are just supposed to know they are there. These flying Wallenda's have no fear. They have no care of getting hurt or dying. The little devil-may-cares just go where they want. I saw a scooter squeeze by a truck and car by going around the mirrors of the vehicles just to get up to the stop light. They fear no death. No, after not just driving in Houston and in Paris, I would just do what a car does, wait my turn and not push the timeline of me meeting Jesus.

Maybe I will start a Scooters for Jesus club. Maybe then they will take driving aimlessly and erratically more seriously and wait to meet Jesus another day. Until then, I will only dream of my scooter and the scooters for Jesus club and continue to walk, take the bus and the Metro. I will have to wait to have a Big One!

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