Saturday, September 3, 2011

Live life like there is no tomorrow......

To some, the titles sounds awfully selfish. But this has been a hard week for me. A friend of mine was in a bicycle accident. Not one that you would think would be horrible like being hit by a car running into something at high speed. No, a world class athlete (been pro biker since he was a teenager), who watches what he eats, is incredibly in tune with his body and it's limitations, passed out on a rigorous ride. He doesn't remember anything (because he hit his head and his helmet broke giving him a concussion) and he can't remember the 15 minutes or so before that. His doctors aren't 100% sure what is wrong with him and still doing more tests. As I have been praying for him and his family, it has made me think of what is important and am I doing enough to further HIS Kingdom.

If we (I) lived each day like it was our last, we would ___________? I know I am not the first person to ask this question, nor will I be the last. Am I working hard enough on myself to make sure I am healthy and around for my children as they grow up? Am I doing my part to instill in them right and wrong, giving it your best and nothing less, being respectful and mindful? So many other things they will need as they grow up into strong independent adults.

The other day, I happen to look over and starring back at me was a photo of the kids when they were 2 and 6 respectively (taken by Don at Lakewood Photography). I started to get a little misty eyed as I thought about how much better a father I could have been in those early years. I could have been more compassionate, caring, nurturing. Was I living at that time like their was no tomorrow? Was I doing everything I could for my kids? Was I doing HIS will and everything for HIM so I could show my kids God's love?

I realize that life is a dance. You need to do what makes you happy and pursuit it. Next you need to devote just enough time to it so that it doesn't interfere in being with your family and their pursuits. You need to make sure that their pursuits are being met and they do their best and finally you need a little down time. Lastly, make sure they know the Lord our God will always be there in good times and in bad and HIS will for their lives is the right path. Now this dance has music, atmosphere, and multiple partners and they all must work together to not trip over each others feet, yet flow seamlessly to the choreography.

I know that I am not your typical blogger, my thoughts may stray back and forth zig zagging like many levels of a Metro station. Anyway, life is too short to live like you will live forever, rather, pursuit your passion, make sure your family is pursuing theirs and just enjoy each other for as long as you can. Love your family and Love God.

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