Sunday, April 1, 2012

Only a April

APRIL FOOLS!!! The History: In the 16th century, France celebrated the New Year just like we do today, except they partied on April 1st. In 1562, Pope Gregory changed the calendar to the one we use today and from then on, the New Year began on January 1st.

Lots of people didn't know about the new calendar, or they ignored the new calendar and kept celebrating on April 1st. Everyone else called them April fools and played tricks on them.

In France today, April 1st is called Poisson d'Avril, which means April Fish. Children tape paper fish to their friends' backs and when the young "fool" finds out, the prankster yells "Poisson d'Avril!" If you go to your local boulangerie right before april, you will find pastry shaped FISH. It is really rather clever.

Now that my daughter is older, she thinks this day is really fun and gets on the internet to find ideas to play on me/us. Last year she froze my car keys in a glass of water that I usually drink out of and then put water in it. I didn't realize that my keys were in there until after I finished my water.

This year she locked me out of the house. What this little 13 year old prankster realizes is that she is messing with the King. When you mess with the Bull....well you know the rest. So, I needed to put her in her place. She had just finished a 3 page paper on the computer and has a bad habit of not saving it. So when she went up to change her clothes, I saved the paper in an odd location she would never look on the computer and then erased all the word so just the title was left. When she went to print it out tonight she found it was gone and began her series of "freaking out." When I told her where it was and I yelled, "April Fools," she was so wanting to kill me. I said, just remember, the only Fool is the one in April that messes with The King....ME!!!!

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