I know some of you might be disappointed, some of you might be appalled and most of you will laugh. When we moved to france, 2 years ago, I knew that I would have some great opportunity to view and eat some good, okay interesting food. So now, whenever I find something I like, or make something new or interesting, I take a photo of it. My wife has now coined it, "My Food Porn."
We have had some amazing food and I have been able to branch out my own cooking more than I did back in Houston; well because I have had more time. We have had food from a mobile truck all the way up to a 3 star restaurant.
The first thing I taught myself how to make was Julia Childs Beef Bourguignon. It was much easier that I had imagined it to be and I modified it to my families taste. Since then, I have made it countless times for Millionaires, Church Pastors and visiting friends and family. I have since been asked to share this easy recipe and so far, no complaints. I discovered making this recipe that I shouldn't be afraid to make something just because I have a preconceived notion that it might be too difficult.
One of foods that I had heard a lot about that was distinctly french was beef tartare. I had decided that there was no way it would ever touch my lips ever. I mean really? Who in their right mind would eat raw ground beef? We have been taught in the U.S. that things need to be cooked; well most things. There is sushi after all and carpaccio. But ground cow? All we hear about is E-coli, madcow & death. So why would the french risk it all the time? Fast forward 18 months and we have 2 great visitiors, Mary Michele Wilson and Jana Laufer and we went out to a great place in the center of Paris. There were only 2 starters on the menu, one was a crab salad and the other was beef tartare. 3 of us got the crab salad, but the wife decided to spread her wings, tempt her stomach armour, see if her gag reflexes worked and ordered the tartare. It arrived and I have to tell you it actually looked amazing. She took a bite and she smiled; not that, I'm trying hard to swallow smile, but that, wow, this is really good, smile. She said it was really very good. I then decided to brave it and try it.....Wow! Was this really that good? Yes it was. Now we spoke to the chef and he said that not all beef tartare is alike and it varies from place to place. he mixed in all the spices and other things directly in it rather than placing them around the plate for you to mix in. So, this has opened my eyes up to try new things.
Next, I began to learn the art of meat and cheese. This course can be done in place of the individual starter. You order this up and you get enough for all to share and is absolutely amazing. What I took from this, is that you can invite a few friends over, serve up some amazing meat and cheese and pop some wine and you can have a great evening just doing this. Don't go to Walmart to get your cheese though, go to Central Market, Specs, whole foods, or any other place that specializes in good meats and cheeses.
Salads I have learned come in many forms. What constitutes a good salad is really what you can find at the market. One day, I found some amazing heirloom tomatoes in green, yellow, orange and one they call the black tomato (when it is really purple), but looks black before it is cut open. Throwing tomatoes, cucumbers, avacodos and other veggies (and maybe some cheeses) on a pretty platter and it can be served family style. Don't just always think lettuce thrown together with other toppers, take a chance and experiment with great produce.
One of the things on our bucket list was to eat at a restaurant that had a "star" attached as it's rating. We were blessed enough to go with some really good friends of ours; Bryan & Deb O'Neil. What I didn't realize until after we got there that Lasserre was a 3-Star restaurant. Now what you don't realize, I am cheap; although I prefer frugal. How Lasserre works is you either choose from a 6 course meal or an 8 course meal and everyone has to choose the same course (6 or 8). When I looked at the prices, I realized that I could take a nice vacation for this; but as the "wives" kept saying, it is a once in a lifetime opportunity. We all chose 8 courses and all I can say that it was really an amazing night. The roof of the restaurant opened up and you could see the eiffel tower. I am not the kind of person (even if I won the lottery) that would ever think of spending that kind of money on food again, but it was fun to do just once. Especially when it is with great friends.
I didn't even talk about desserts, well because....it's dessert. I am going to wrap up this drivel with more food porn. Don't be afraid to try something new, cook something you don't think you can do and experiment.
Bon Appetite!!
We have had some amazing food and I have been able to branch out my own cooking more than I did back in Houston; well because I have had more time. We have had food from a mobile truck all the way up to a 3 star restaurant.
The first thing I taught myself how to make was Julia Childs Beef Bourguignon. It was much easier that I had imagined it to be and I modified it to my families taste. Since then, I have made it countless times for Millionaires, Church Pastors and visiting friends and family. I have since been asked to share this easy recipe and so far, no complaints. I discovered making this recipe that I shouldn't be afraid to make something just because I have a preconceived notion that it might be too difficult.
One of foods that I had heard a lot about that was distinctly french was beef tartare. I had decided that there was no way it would ever touch my lips ever. I mean really? Who in their right mind would eat raw ground beef? We have been taught in the U.S. that things need to be cooked; well most things. There is sushi after all and carpaccio. But ground cow? All we hear about is E-coli, madcow & death. So why would the french risk it all the time? Fast forward 18 months and we have 2 great visitiors, Mary Michele Wilson and Jana Laufer and we went out to a great place in the center of Paris. There were only 2 starters on the menu, one was a crab salad and the other was beef tartare. 3 of us got the crab salad, but the wife decided to spread her wings, tempt her stomach armour, see if her gag reflexes worked and ordered the tartare. It arrived and I have to tell you it actually looked amazing. She took a bite and she smiled; not that, I'm trying hard to swallow smile, but that, wow, this is really good, smile. She said it was really very good. I then decided to brave it and try it.....Wow! Was this really that good? Yes it was. Now we spoke to the chef and he said that not all beef tartare is alike and it varies from place to place. he mixed in all the spices and other things directly in it rather than placing them around the plate for you to mix in. So, this has opened my eyes up to try new things.
Next, I began to learn the art of meat and cheese. This course can be done in place of the individual starter. You order this up and you get enough for all to share and is absolutely amazing. What I took from this, is that you can invite a few friends over, serve up some amazing meat and cheese and pop some wine and you can have a great evening just doing this. Don't go to Walmart to get your cheese though, go to Central Market, Specs, whole foods, or any other place that specializes in good meats and cheeses.
Salads I have learned come in many forms. What constitutes a good salad is really what you can find at the market. One day, I found some amazing heirloom tomatoes in green, yellow, orange and one they call the black tomato (when it is really purple), but looks black before it is cut open. Throwing tomatoes, cucumbers, avacodos and other veggies (and maybe some cheeses) on a pretty platter and it can be served family style. Don't just always think lettuce thrown together with other toppers, take a chance and experiment with great produce.
One of the things on our bucket list was to eat at a restaurant that had a "star" attached as it's rating. We were blessed enough to go with some really good friends of ours; Bryan & Deb O'Neil. What I didn't realize until after we got there that Lasserre was a 3-Star restaurant. Now what you don't realize, I am cheap; although I prefer frugal. How Lasserre works is you either choose from a 6 course meal or an 8 course meal and everyone has to choose the same course (6 or 8). When I looked at the prices, I realized that I could take a nice vacation for this; but as the "wives" kept saying, it is a once in a lifetime opportunity. We all chose 8 courses and all I can say that it was really an amazing night. The roof of the restaurant opened up and you could see the eiffel tower. I am not the kind of person (even if I won the lottery) that would ever think of spending that kind of money on food again, but it was fun to do just once. Especially when it is with great friends.
I didn't even talk about desserts, well because....it's dessert. I am going to wrap up this drivel with more food porn. Don't be afraid to try something new, cook something you don't think you can do and experiment.
Bon Appetite!!