Sunday, November 7, 2010

Boomer Sooner.........observations from across the pond

Congrats to the Aggies. From across the pond, I have tried as best possible to watch the games via livestreaming. It has been tough, because a lot our games have been late games which puts the games on here around midnight and later.

I decided that in honor of my Aggie friends at UBC, and me not being there to go to the game, that I would join in and watch. I have always told my aggie friends, and for that matter any of my college football friends, that I am proud of OU but it is always a reality that anyone can and will get beat.

I have decided that a good coach recognizes that the quarterback is no longer performing, a great coach actually pulls them out. It is time for Stoops to realize that Jones is not the answer. In baseball if the pitcher isn't hacking it, they pull them and may do that 3 or 4 times in a game. It was clear last year that Jones was probably not what was needed. It is time for this program to realize that it has been in 4 National Championship positions (winning 1) in the last 10 years. To most programs, that is great; OU has a more of a tradition of winning championships, not coming up short.

To me, I love watching football, but I don't get emotional. Now when I say emotional, I don't stomp and scream and call for the head of the coach on a silver platter. Do I sometimes yell at the TV or the game; yes, that is a natural progression of watching college football. So taking the emotion out and viewing college football and seeing it for what it is, a business. Now at OU, football is not all it is famous for; with the incredible leadership of President Boren, it is the go to university of academics. It has world class facilities; Journalism, Meteorology, Law, Music, Medical, Engineering and one of the largest collection of Natural Science Museums. But football gets your university on TV and in the spotlight for recruiting both for sports and academics.

So, let's do the right thing, enjoy the game, but it's time for a change; bring in the relief quarterback.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Paris.....The 2 Hour Lunch

Now, this has 2 different meanings. Here in Paris, most working people come to work around 9-10am and then leave around 7-8pm Some would say, "but I thought the french take it easy." Well, after coming to work, they will take 3-4 coffee breaks and then they will take a 2 hour lunch. Some in the US would say that 2 hours lunches aren't uncommon, but they are for 95% of americans which is the opposite here in Paris. Parisians work hard, but they also take their time in leisure during the day. Stereotypes run amuck? Not trying to stereotype, but point out observation. Now this is not what the focus of my ramblings.

While the working world is taking their 2 hour lunch, the rest of us try and get things done, grocery shop, cleaners, shopping, going to Nicolas ( for your daily selection. This is where cultural difference become evidently clear. It seems from the observer that the french culture works just hard enough to eek out a living and capitalism or entrepreneurialism (is that even a word). They have no need for amassing large amounts of money. It is for that reason that most of the shops close from 1pm-3pm. If you want to shop for a purse, not now; if you want to get some wine, not then either; how about plan a vacation with a travel way. So for those of us not working we must take a forced nap everyday and wait for the shops to open back up in order to complete the day.

I am not one to complain about a forced nap everyday, but 2 hours? Can't we at least do an hour? Well, for 10 hours a week, I must find something else to do other than take care of the business I need to conduct. Maybe I will take up crocheting, basket weaving or maybe I will learn to drink coffee or espresso.

See you later (just not from 1pm-3pm)